Project 06 - Week 2

We moved into the construction phase of the site model this week, and I’ll admit that at points I felt as if I wasn’t doing enough to help. However, I realised that I was spending a lot of time helping to manage the whole group, so on balance, hopefully I was more of a help than a hindrance!

In addition, I finally pushed out a poster iteration that I was reasonably happy with; having felt like I had gone from far-left to far-right graphical stances, ending up with something without such severe connotations (I hope).

Since then I’ve been doing a bit of reading that could potentially inform the basis for this final project:

Casa da Arquitectura (2017) Power/Architecture Zurich: Lars Müller Publishers
Offenhuber, D & Ratti, C (2014) Decoding the City Basel: Birkhäuser
Verebes, T (2014) Masterplanning the Adaptive City New York: Routledge
Plummer, H (2009) The Architecture of Natural Light London: Thames & Hudson

One quote has already caught my eye:

“The table and the temple, the locus of communion and the locus of community, respectively, are perhaps the singular places, the locus solus, which displace these spatial and performative confluences and the converging points of debate about the ritual as constituent and transformative agent of our coexistence.”
(p77, Joaquim Moreno in Power/Architecture)

The plan is that our first project tutorials on Monday will aid us in deciding which direction to take this project.


Project 06 - Week 3


Project 06 - Week 1