Photography courtesy of Tord Mardoff Nielsen
…and after three years I’ve successfully graduated with a ‘1st Class’ BA(Hons) Architecture degree.
Now to find a job (which, as anyone who has been here knows, is itself a job).
As part of keeping myself sane in the summer period, I’ve bought 3 William Gibson books, and a couple of Neal Stephenson books: The Difference Engine, Virtual Light, Pattern Recognition; Cryptonomicon & The Diamond Age. Already finished two of the Gibson books, which were rather enjoyable, and I have no doubt i’ll end up buying some more sci-fi/fantasy books at some point.
Another item - I’ve downloaded an evaluation version of Vectorworks to start to familiarise myself with the software. What I will most likely do is dig out my first year Folkestone project, and revisit it with all the knowledge I now have; making a completely new stab at designing that particular project outcome; all in Vectorworks. I did the same thing with AutoCAD two summers ago with that project, again, to better familiarise myself with the programme. We’ll see how that goes!
In the meantime, holiday planning, job applications, and starting to think about how (and where) to tackle RIBA Part 2/Masters. So, for now, this blog is likely to go dormant - although as soon as I get back to doing photography or travel, I’ll do my best to keep it updated.