So. Our task for this week was to repair something we gathered from Amsterdam. If the Nomad Project & this week have proven anything, it is that I was right to do the Foundation first rather than go straight back into a degree. Why?
Planning & Time Management.
My idea was based on a bit of burnt bark I picked up from the Kröller-Muller park - I replicated the pattern on the silvered side and went from there. Pics to follow.
Also, caught up with the tutor. She has advised that I need to do a lot more sketching out of my ideas, and also suggested that collaging & photoshop rendering may well be useful for the kind of level of work I need to produce.
We break up in 3 weeks & my head is spinning. Was my time management always this poor, and school just masked it? Or am I simply out of practice? Well. Fuck.