3DD - Geometry


I started off with some small scale conceptual structures based off of some sketches I did last weekend. Those are the perspex and perspex/balsa models shown first:

The sketch envisioned an outer shell, with a central piece “floating” in the centre. I have a feeling my sub-concious was taking inspiration from La Grande Arche de La Défense en Paris.

The second model (perspex & balsa) was cobbled together without any direct goal in mind. I was just playing with shapes. I feel like really need to get away from cubes & cuboids, more often than not, it feels like playing with kid gloves, that I’m not stretching myself.

The last structure - made out of foam - was also based on a sketch. Originally I attempted to create this structure out of clay, however that was unsuccessful. Instead, I went back and used up some of the foam cuttings from my prior foam model, and created the central spire.
     Yes, the central spire is wonky, although it is not meant to be. These models were supposed to be made reasonably quickly - I’m trying to get better at time management, especially when you’re only doing initial concepts. The smaller structures you see around the spire are the off cuts, which I decided to include in the final model, as I found their shapes quite interesting.
      The colour scheme I used reminds me of “Mirror’s Edge”, an old (soon to be expanded upon) first-person platformer/puzzle game released in ‘08/’09.


3DD - Geometry


3DD - Geometry