

Last week I visited Copenhagen & Oslo (about 3.5 days in each). Both were lovely cities, although neither grabbed me quite like Berlin did.

After spending two days cycling round Copenhagen, I do feel that it is one of the easier ways to get around - especially if you want to cover the different districts quickly. I was staying in Vesterbro, just by Københavns Hovedbanegård (Central Station), and managed to get over to Christianshavn, & north to Refshaleøen. Didn’t quite manage to get as far as Århusgadekvarter (N. of the Inner City), or explore over to Fredriksberg.

Some highlights included the Danish Design Museum (which was well worth the look - graphics, furniture, architecture, city development, electronics, consumer goods, tonnes of stuff); the drydock in Refshaleøen (where part of a canal system is being constructed); and lovely food.

One of the biggest (…pun unintended) things I saw was BIG’s Amager Bakke waste conversion plant - which can be seen from pretty much anywhere from Indre By & Christianshavn. It is located between Christianshavn & Refshaleøen, and is still under construction. Another of BIG’s projects I encountered was the Urban Rigger floating container housing concept - which aimed to create a floating student accommodation using recycling shipping containers. Whilst I saw the proof-of-concept design floating somewhere north of Paper Island (incidentally, the location of a previous yeargroup’s site), I am uncertain as to whether the housing system was given the go-ahead.

There were some beautiful industrial warehouses that had been converted for use as bars, restaurants and clubs next to the Arts Commune (opposite the Police Station), which I unfortunately completely forgot to photograph! I did manage to get some photography done around the Arts/Culture area though which also comprised a music school & secondary school.

I barely scratched the surface of what there was in Copenhagen, but still managed to see a reasonable amount (if not necessarily catalogue it all). Plenty of reasons for a future (re)visit!


Oslo 1/3


End of Year Show