Jess Dowson

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FMP - Journal Covers

So, this is the end of FMP Week 1.

I’ve brought quite a few books back with me to read over the rest of today and tomorrow (I know I’m not going to get through them all this weekend). The general themes of the books are “community”, “space”, “gender”, “architecture”, “design” & socio-political analyses thereof. Through reading these books, I’m hoping that I can understand & help form a narrative for my project - which is loosely based around the theme of “community”: - what is it, what defines it, how does it come to pass, how does it manifest, how does it react/act/live/die, how does it evolve, along with many more un-asked and as yet un-answered questions.

This, coupled with the beginnings of demographic research I’ve collated (on advice of a tutor), will hopefully allow me to create a set of reasonably believable characters who will be followed along a journey, or perhaps shown in various, select situations along said journey. I’m currently thinking of setting this out in the style of a retrospective to be shown at a gallery or (future) museum exhibit, just preferably not as dull.

Next week I will need to try and wrap up the heavy reading, extrapolating & dreaming up the blanks in knowledge should any blanks remain. Subsequently, I’ll need to begin image research, which will help facilitate a lot more sketching; and I’ll also need to research electronics. It has been a while since I’ve played with any.