
So. Half way through the trip. Today we’re heading to the Kroller-Muller sculpture park where we’ll photograph our projects in-situ. Pics to follow in a few days.

3DD - Nomad Reconstruction


So. Plan B became Plan C.

I am now creating a pouch for a sleeping bag. The idea being that sleeping bags themselves aren’t exactly weatherproof/resistant, and wrapping yourself in a bin bag isn’t exactly chic. So, I’ve repurposed the tent to create a pouch that you can slip your sleeping bag into, complete with air vents (no-one likes suffocating from the perfume of smelly feet).

Now just to stitch it together in 4-5 hours. I’ll be fine, honestly, I’ll be fine.

3DD - Nomad Deconstruction


Ok. I spent 4 hours today deconstructing a tent. Why not take scissors to it? Twofold: 1. Material is at a premium; 2. I wanted to see how an actual tent was constructed.

There is a very real possibility that I will not be finished by Friday. I’m so fucked.

Classic case of reaching for Mars, only to blow up in the stratosphere. Ambition is great, just remember - time management.

3DD - Week 1

So. This week was a struggle.

My main concerns that kept dogging me were: “Are these designs innovative enough”? “Are they interesting enough?” and as a result, I think I may have become disheartened.

Perhaps I’m expecting too much from myself at this stage. Seeing my classmates around me already having working 1:1 models of their design, with me still struggling to finalise a design - let alone get a maquette together - left me feeling rather shit if I’m honest.

Hopefully the weekend will help me recharge, but if I’m honest, I’m not looking forward to the Amsterdam trip, where we’ll have our final designs with us for a “real-world” test.

3DD - Nomad Project

So. The “Carousel” is over, the assessment done - where I got a good amount of positive feedback - and now to specialise. Unsurprisingly, I chose 3D Design. What happens now?

We’ve been given a project brief - “Nomad Project” - which the class does every year. Short version - we need to create a portable, usable shelter that we can take with us on the trip to Amsterdam in 2 weeks. So, drawing inspiration from people & groups such as Studio-Orten, Dré Wapenaar/Road Alert Group, Andreas Vogler & Andrew Maynard (amongst others), we need to come up with a suitable foldable/collapsible, portable shelter.