Whilst the weather was still reasonable, I popped up to London on Saturday to visit both the Astrophotography Exhibition at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, and the Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition.
Read MorePortfolio Update
The work that I have done during the Master of Architecture programme at CSA.UCA has now been uploaded in full to this website. Along with my own projects, I have included the work I did with Keerthigan Thavaseelan & Rebecca Alexander at the beginning of the 21/22 academic year. Links to each body of work are below:
Read MoreM.Arch Project 04 - Final Crit
This project has been, in truth, a struggle, with issues including defining a suitable scope, let alone an anchor of interest. Despite that, we’re here, at the final critical review of the second year of the masters course, and quite possibly the last academic critical review that I’ll be facing (as a student). Frankly, if the last project of the M.Arch didn’t try to break you, as my classmates in undergrad would say (with perhaps an admittedly sardonic undertone) “are you even trying?”.
Read MoreM.Arch Project 04 - Interim Crit
On Friday we had our interim crit for our final project. It may sound odd to say, but its all feeling very real at this point, that we only have 7 weeks until our final review, and we submit our portfolio the following week. There is still a lot of work to be done, but the guidance I received on Friday was incredibly helpful and helped me focus on what next steps need to be taken. Also, apologies if anyone at the pub last night was taken aback by my sudden silent departure - once my fatigue hits a certain level, my mood shifts like a circuit breaker and I just need to get the hell out.
Read MoreM.Arch Project 03 - Final Crit
Yesterday we had the final crit for our semester one project, and it was great to see more guest critics again, as well as several projects pinned up (concern regarding printing costs not withstanding). Fortunately, the feedback I received for the project thus far was incredibly positive, although the overriding advice at this stage was to hone in more on the micro level, the personal interactions that users of this particular infrastructure may experience at all levels (incorporating thoughts regarding greater accessibility as well).
Read MoreM.Arch Project 03 - Troubleshooting
I may as well be upfront and say that what follows is fundamentally a rant. I just needed to type it down and let it all out.
Read MoreM.Arch Project 03 - Interim Crit
We had the interim crit for the first phase of our year-long project on Friday, and whilst the tutors and guest were happy enough with what I presented, one of the main (and wholly understandable) points they raised was that the body of work so far is incredibly dry: throw in some collage, or something!
Read MoreM.Arch Year 5 - Group Project Crit
We had our first crit of the year on Friday 15th, which was the culmination of the introductory group project (myself, Keerthigan Thavaseelan and Rebecca Alexander). This year the project centred around the idea of relocating the Herbert Reed Gallery (currently re-purposed as a teaching studio) to somewhere within Canterbury.
Read MoreEdinburgh Revisited
Last weekend I decided to pay a visit to Edinburgh, which I haven’t walked through for around nine years (having lived there for around four). The intent of the visit was partly nostalgia, but mainly to do some more photography and visit parts of Edinburgh that I did not got to visit whilst I lived there. In that regard, the visit was a mixed success, and prompted me to look through my photographic archive to see if there are any older shots I took that may be worth uploading - something to still be decided upon. Meanwhile, I have uploaded a selection of photographs I took on this trip to the Edinburgh photography page.
Read MoreDublin Revisited
I think I may have left a bit of my heart in Dublin. When I was living over there for a brief period last year, I did not get the chance to visit the galleries, museums, or even as many of the suburbs as I originally wished to. In essence, this was due to lockdown restrictions coupled with academic time pressures. Hence, the desire to return and (re)visit parts of Dublin as well as investigate new areas! This did lead to a lot of walking around, managing to clock around 100km of walking over the 5 days or so, despite the sore feet. In addition to these photos here, I’ve updated the Dublin photography page.
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