Project 06 - Week 9

Another short entry this weekend - primarily because I want to focus on pushing out the required deliverables for the crit next week (of which I currently have none finalised). One head-desk moment I had yesterday was realising that I had only factored in half of the plant/mechanical room, but fortunately I still have plenty of space in the basement so I’ll just push the datacentre down a bit and increase the current area provisioned for the electrical support equipment, to include the mechanical support equipment as well. Some more refinements were made to the structural grid per visiting architect’s advice, although I’m angsty because I still haven’t had the chance to speak with an engineer yet. However, another moment of realisation led to relief as I’ve covered planted/”green” roof systems in prior projects, so I know the makeup of them rather well by now - which is benificial as the 1:50 has plenty of work to be done on it. Currently figuring out the angle of incident and spacing required for the louvres, as well as filling out the plans - still got three floors to fit out, and then its throwing them into sections. I’ve had thoughts on materiality - white stone exterior on walls adjacent to the bank, white matte finish on the concrete columns & slabs, translucent (white finish) glazing leading to clear glazing with wooden louvres, and wooden accents on exposed walls leading onto the roof terraces. I would like to emulate Selgas Cano with coloured accents delineating internal pathways (alternatively, perhaps material accents instead), but we shall see. Currently just trying not to panic that we have <9 weeks to go and an awful lot of work to do. As one of my colleagues said - we should be used to this by now! Also, I still haven’t figured out the atrium canopy. Less panicking and more working!

Below are plans, elevations and the 1:50 section exported prior to working on and annotating by hand. Yes, they are pretty bare-bones right now.


Project 06 - Week 10, Pre-Crit


Project 06 - Week 8