Project 06 - Week 8

Short post today - been redrawing the plans the last two days, tidying up lines, structural points. Rethinking the columns again, after looking at images of existing slab/column structures (as the spans seemed rather short, and columns were not lining up properly - something that cannot happen afaik). As a result, currently redoing the model, so the below images are slightly obsolete now, but still provide an indicator of direction. One key thing that worked itself out yesterday was the public realm/entrance. Spent the entire day working on it, and it works (I think so anyway). Hopefully I’ll be in a good position tomorrow, as I really need to start extracting 1-200 sections and elevations. One other item that informed the re-draw of the model was changing the relationship between the envelope/skin and floorplates. I’ve adjusted it so the skin wraps around, rather than sits on top of - as I believe this is more of a direction that I will go in.


Project 06 - Week 9


Project 06 - Week 7