Project 02 - Scale Maquettes


Ok, so I guess I feel that I finally have a direction to take this project, and we have 3 weeks until the end of this term. I’m behind. You get used to the feeling. Ahahahahaha. Ha. Ha. Haaaa. -_-

I’m chucking out most of the site uses and squaring up to see it used as a dedicated youth club/space, with an emphasis on the provision of music rooms.

One of my plans for the weekend (along with catching up with the CAD module) is to collate all the precedents I’ve been eyeing - some from Paris, some from Folkestone’s history. The structure of this project has pissed me off sometimes if I’m honest - I understand we’re being taught new methods of thinking, learning, designing, but it frequently feels like we do not in fact have time to think, and that it is very much a case of a “one ring to rule them all” mentality. I guess it comes down to the whole design school vs production line thing. Anyway. A wee break, then back to work.

(Yes, I work weekends, its cool if you don’t, or if you have payed work commitments. I guess having a 5.5/6 day working week for 10yrs as a kid helped).