So, combination of modelling and drawing last week. The project has really started to click over the past couple of days, I just wish that had happened 2-3 weeks ago. FFS.
Still looking at houses/flats for next year, and it is looking more and more likely that I’ll still be commuting from outside of Canterbury, but just from a nearer town rather than across the county as I am currently.
Popping back down to Folkestone later for a follow up research trip, and to hopefully see a friend at an event. It is kinda terrifying how little time we have left on this project to be honest, and that the end of the academic year is only 2 months away/9 weeks. Portfolio submission for this main project is 42 working days away. Submission deadline for Comms Media (the last outstanding sub-module) is 24 working days away. Of course, I work weekends, so that gives some extra time, but still. Point is made.
Am I fucked? Well, time will tell. Muwahahah. Ahaha. Aha. … -_-