Project 04 - Formative Review 1


We had our penultimate formative review of this academic year yesterday, and whilst I feel that I received useful feedback and have a good direction to go in, I’m still not optimistic about my progress. Maybe its the tiredness, or the looming deadlines (trust me when I say that 1 week passes quicker than you ever thought possible when you’re working 60hr+ weeks).

Anyway, onwards. I’ll be coming up with a timeline of sorts for the structure’s evolution and analysing how the Technology brief will best be attempted. Still need to work on the Communications portion - and we have another presentation next week for our Creative Practice module.

Tonight, I’m eating chocolate, playing games and watching movies. I need a night off.

Project 04 - Model Development


The project is ramping up rapidly now - despite the campus closure due to England’s aversion to snow. Last week was predominantly model making - both a 1:200 site model which was fabricated using both a CNC router (for the pine base) & laser cutter (for perspex & MDF pieces); along with plaster casts of 25x25x15mm & 50x50x15mm cuboids for volumetric concept modelling.

Translating my initial intuitive models to 1:200 site based concepts was, and still is a bit difficult, but I’m getting there. Having gone through 3-4 iterations (both physical and/or CAD based), there are still problems with my current iteration that I will have to fix on the go as it were. The crit is <2 weeks away, and we have a mini-brief for Technology to complete in that time as well if memory serves. There is also the continued Communications task, based around the keyword/concept of ‘folding’, (which I have attempted to wrap into the main project) we’ll see how that turns out.

I’ve had to take some personal time these past two days as I’ve had a pretty rough week and a bit, nothing major; just a lot of soul searching and a desire to put myself back on track. I really am grateful for the friends I have.

Project 04 - Medway


New Year, New Project, New Update.

Our project for terms 2 & 3 revolves around the design and implementation of an “archive” (whatever form/function/etc that may take). We’ve been given 5 sites to choose from in Strood - and I’m mulling over two of them, both located on the bank of the Medway (so, amongst other things - plan for flood risk & sustainable drainage etc.).

The two top slides of this update show a route not taken with this project (pun unintentional) - that is, the archiving of “protest(s)”. These two maps were a quick attempt to show the route, origin and potential dispersal patterns of the protestors at two protests: the “Reclaim Your Voice” student march in Edinburgh, 2011; and the 2003 “Stop the War” march in London. I’ve decided to go for a theme of “psychological trauma” instead, for archival.