Project 04 - Submission


Today marked another milestone - we handed in our Term 2+3 portfolio and finished our 2nd year of Architectural education. These are some selected slides from the final folio.

To say I am knackered is an understatement; also a bit emotional both for personal reasons, (despite how old/experienced you get, moving on from unrequited crushes is never a completely painless experience) and as the project was on a rather, intense, theme of psychological trauma… yeh, I’m knackered.

So, whats next? Key things I learnt from this project: atmospheric skills - this still needs work to get it completely accurate to how I wish the architecture to actually feel, function and look. Be careful with Rhino (and other CAD packages), whilst I was definitely still learning the programme at first, it is still quite easy to get lost in the programme, either with the camera (as Nasios would say: ‘De-Orbit!’) or with details. Some of this will come with time - as I progress, I’ll understand structures more and more, and also know where to go and piece together unfamiliar or new structural concepts; and hopefully won’t need to redraw quite as much. Then there is also the predisposition to choosing emotionally charged subjects, which if I’m honest may not change all that much as I enjoy challenging myself. But still, there is something to be said for wisdom in the face of all of that.

As for next - we start our dissertation prep. We have our first session with our tutor on Thursday, and I’ll be looking at starting to map out my interests and where the intersect with the broader themes of our working group.

As for the summer: catching up with dear old friends; putting up the exhibition; finding a new home; and damn do I need a holiday somewhere.


End of Year Show


Project 04 - Formative Review 2